Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Be loud and be Proud!

Volleyball players are always told to talk and be loud. No one ever really says why. The reason they are told to be loud and talk is because no one can read your mind and you can't read theirs. If two players are going for the same ball and no one calls it, what happens? They crash into each other and more times than not, the pass, hit, or set isn't completed. This can increase the risk of injury among players and your scoring chances go down. Talking and being loud also helps connect you to your teammates. The more you talk on the floor the more like minded you all are. For example, you will all know what play you’re running on a free ball. Talking helps you in defense too. Saying what you see is not a bad thing. If you are on the front row you have a much better view of what play the other team is running and can see what hit the hitters are wanting to make. If you are blocking right front and you see the hitter go up to tip... You clearly can see what she is going to do. So you can alert your back defender to move in, or you can step off and cover. Talking also helps you scare the other team. The non-stop chatter will make teams uncomfortable if they don't talk much. Coaches say talk for a reason. It only helps you be the best player and team you can be! Go out and start talking more and more!

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