Monday, January 18, 2016

After tournament care

Those long hard and fun tournaments can leave you tired and sore. There are lots of ways to recover but if you can't lay around all day you will need another way to get back to 100%.
1. Diet. Chances are you didn't eat that great or enough. Make sure you get some good protein and fresh veggies. Lay off some carbs and sugars. Take time to sit and eat. Taking your time gives you a chance to rest and refuel.
2. Water. No way you drank enough during play. It it was cold you lost a lot of hydration just by walking outside. Drink lots of water. Your muscles need water to function correctly. All the water helps refresh you too. Think like a flower that is lacking water. Add water to the flower and it perks up and begins to flourish again. You are like that flower.
3. Ice and Heat. If you need ice on your knees or shoulders then get it! You want to make all injuries feel better by reducing swelling. Ice first. Once you get home, take a nice warm bath or shower. If bath, use epsion salt. Soaking will help relieve tension and soreness from the muscle. If you take a shower make sure it's warm, and stand under the water for an extra minute. This helps your muscles warm up and release some soreness. Note on the salts, all floor burn will sting if you take a bath. Re-ice if you need to for joints.
4. A good night sleep. Staying up all night night happen but shouldn't. Go lay down if you can't sleep. Enjoy just relaxing. Laying on your back with your feet up air against a wall. That helps the body feel refreshed.

These four steps will help you recover quicker and have you back ready to play!

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