Should club or travel team coaches have higher education? Often times in travel or club volleyball, coaches are chosen based off of playing experiences or past coaching experience. This can range from playing at the highest level in the USA which would be playing on the national team or international play to only playing in middle school. Most commonly coaches have played in high school. Coaching experience ranges from coaching in NCAA to coaching recreational team for the local boosters club. According to the USA Today article by Jason Smith (2017), Paying to Play: How Much Do Club Sports Cost?, travel or club volleyball can cost upwards of $8000-$10,00.00 a year for the elite teams. These are teams that do national tournaments and do travel out of the state a lot. To look at an average team. Not the elite top teams nor the less competitive teams but at a team that is ranked middle of the road so to speak. The cost is between $3000-$6000.00 a season.
Should club or travel team coaches have higher education? A normal club volleyball season runs for 6 months. These 6 months are filled with tournaments and practices. The article by Smith (2017) adds that most parents (40% of them) believe that their child will get a college scholarship that will pay for half of the students tuition. With these numbers wouldn't it serve to reason that higher coaching education should be required to coach club or travel teams? Parents are paying coaches to equip their child with skills to get them money for being an athlete and not only an athlete but a top athlete at that. There are many factors that play a role in an athletes ability to on a college roster. DNA makes up most of the factors (tall, explosive quickness, self-motivated, etc,) however, coaching and skills make up the rest.
Club or travel coaches should have higher education. The reason is you get what you pay for. Does education make a coach good or bad? That is based on the person who is the coach; What education does is take a good coach and prepare him or her to be a better coach. A coach who understands methods of coaching past X's and O's. Knowing the game is highly important to teaching an athlete how to play but what about rest and recovery methods or off-season workout plans that are sport specific? There is more to volleyball and being an athlete than just sort of knowing how to play the game. There is more to coaching than being willing. Parents should call for higher education among club and travel coaches. Parents should get their moneys worth.
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