We all know that the quarterback is the leader for the offense of the football team. We know the goalie is the leader of the defense in soccer. We know that the point guard is the leader of the basketball team offense and sometimes defense. I recently watched a youth chamber music competition at Davidson University. The music was all great! I was impressed with all four groups that performed. What surprised me was how into the music they all were. I watched as almost in a trance watching the four member groups play in perfect sync with each other. I couldn't help but notice that first chair violin was the leader. All the rest of the musicians bowed their head to the first chair and followed what he or she did. There was a clear leader.
Leaders. In volleyball it should be the setter and libero. The setter is first chair violin player. He or she runs the whole offense and the rest of the team should be watching for their commands. The libero comes in to leadership when the setter takes first ball or the defense is out of sorts. Learn who your leader is. If it is you then step and be a great leader. If you aren't the leader then find out who is.
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