Friday, January 1, 2016

Liar liar pants on fire

A coach knows when you are being lazy. A coach knows when you lie. A coach knows when you're cheating in a drill. I've had many players who have played these cards. I've had players come late into practice without excuses. I make them run the traditional 10 laps that every late player runs. I always watch my players, to keep them accountable. But there have been players that skip laps and act like they've done nothing wrong. Even after confronting them, they deny any wrongdoing. I have made sure to set all my players straight with the rules.
Pro tip for all players: If your coach asks you if you did whatever task, you better tell the truth because they already know.  
A coach knows when you lie. No matter how slick you think you are it is better to not lie in practice. If you are a lazier player, the coach will watch you in conditioning. If you do lie and you get busted please don’t accuse the coach of being wrong… that is asking for trouble!  A coach knows. Don’t lie. Do what you should and give your best. Lying and being lazy isn’t your best. Do better today and from here out!

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